Monday, September 8, 2014


David came to see me.

He did, like I knew he would, but not like I knew he would at all. Bastard. Fucker. Bitch. Loser. Moron. Fuck him. No don't do that it's no fun. Sex isn't fun. 


I thought he was weak. But I knew better. my David, he's never weak, not in the slightesttttttttt

He killed Andre. Beautiful, beautiful blood, drowning in it, that's what it was. He drowned Andre in his own blood. There was so much and we all watched and I was SO HAPPY TO SEE HIM AT LAST. I hadn't seen him before. He was hiding. No, not hiding.....there's a word for it maybe but I don't know.

I lost him. He's gone. He took his little cut of meat and he left. I won't get him back now. I know that.

Emily. I'm sorry.

David... my love. were delicious.



  1. Replies
    1. It's a welcome anticlimax, IMO! And I was in Russia long enough to learn the difference between a welcome anticlimax and an unwelcome anticlimax.

  2. God fucking damn it. Between your loss, your pain, and your traumatizing a little girl both mentally and physically your final take away was that Andre was fucking delicious?!

    What the hell was is wrong with you?

    Just how much money and how many capable hands were lost on this mad little crusade of yours, huh?

    Are you even turning any kind of profit at this point?

    I don't understand how you're the leader of anything.

    1. I think once someone is a leader, everyone below them takes a "not my responsibility" attitude, so they'll just follow orders, no matter how heinous, because they personally don't feel accountable. As well as the fear, I suppose.

  3. -.-.-

    Many incapable leaders find ways of maintaining power.

    Sometimes fear.

    Sometimes capable lieutenants. Powers behind the throne.

    Sometimes both. Time will tell.

