Thursday, August 28, 2014


Much like a certain man on the path of redemption, we have taken in a stray. 

Unlike said man, ours was quite unwilling, and nabbing her was something of a chore. But it was Jessica's idea, Jessica's desire, and what Jessica desires, Jessica gets. Have I said the word Jessica enough to hammer that point home yet? Good. I'm done with it. Today was a fucking mess and I'm just plain tired. On top of everything, something's gone wrong with my post and it hasn't gone up like I set it to yesterday. Still working on what's wrong with that.

For now, though, you should know that we have kidnapped Emily. Yes, that Emily. I have to admit, it's a damn good plan on Jessica's part. Yesterday afternoon, we cornered David and his band of misfits, and Andre set off after Emily while Jessica and I distracted Banks himself. That earned poor Andre a gunshot wound to the foot, but I think the bigger bruise is the one to his ego. Suck it up, big man, you got shot by an eight year old. Not that big a deal.

Jessica wants you to know, David, that 'this is it.' If you really want this girl back, if you're really committed to her and to this lifestyle, you'll come get her. Because she sure as shit isn't giving her back to you of her own volition. Trust me. She and Emily haven't stopped sniping at each other since the moment we tossed the little girl into the back of the van and drove off. I have a headache.

-Mr. Flint


  1. "It's a damn good plan on Jessica's part."

    I doubt that her plan is finished, but I'm sure you're aware of that.

    I wonder what this is all about though. For some reason I doubt that it's about making Banks drop his new lifestyle, by forcing him to kill. That theory ran through my mind, but for some reason, I just doubt it.

    Could be wrong.

    In any way, I hope you fix the posts, I want to see some information, see if it can be valuable.

  2. "I wonder what this is all about though. For some reason I doubt that it's about making Banks drop his new lifestyle, by forcing him to kill."

    Ah, that is...exactly...what it's about. If you've read previous posts, you'll see she's keen on returning him to the state of mind of a predator, like he was when the two of them first met. She thinks he's 'superior' that way.

    I'll have that post up soon. I figured out what I did wrong, I'm just too busy to care about fixing it right now, alas.

    1. There seems to always be an Ulterior Motive to the Obvious Motive. Hence why there's a little bit of doubt in me.

    2. Not Jessica. One of her good points is that she always says what she means.
