Saturday, February 22, 2014

Business as Usual Part II

I did promise that journal entry, didn't I? I sure did. I haven't got much in the way of news, otherwise. Jessica's rampage hit the papers and the television, like I knew it would. Surprises me that investigations haven't turned up this very blog yet. I'm doing my damnedest to hide the thing, God knows, but there's only so much a man with limited computer knowledge can do...ah well. Here's that journal entry I promised you(and Jessica, for that matter.)

April 21, 2011

I haven't heard from Marc in since that stupid fucking party.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Carter's made it pretty clear, since she took over, she won't suffer people who are too chickenshit to do the work she has us doing.* It's not like before, and I thought sometimes that it was bad before. Now I wish it would just go back to the way it used to be.

*Chickenshits. Chickenshits, chickenshits, chickenshits! B'GAWK! Can't fucking stand sniveling cowards. What do they do all day? Why do they have the gall to insist that I'M the crazy one? You think to yourselves, 'My god, I could stab that person, I hate him so much'...but you don't do it!! You never do it! You desire, you want, you crave, and yet you JUST DON'T GO OUT AND DO. That's fucking crazy....

But Marc was a good best friend, really...we got in this shit together because we grew up together*, and to think that he might be dead because he didn't want to chop up a little girl and fucking feed her to that freak**...that's just a little too much for me to handle, honestly. 

*I don't remember any "Marc" in my little Bradley's life....

**Nom, nom, nom! [There is a scribbled little drawing of Jessica, making a cute 'hungry' face.]

It used to be a lot of drugs. Now it's kids. We still run a shit-ton of the drug trade in New York, that hasn't changed, but Carter thinks we could stand to bring in a lot more money than we are. So she's got us stealing kids off rich motherfuckers, and taking in the ransom money. Some of those kids get sent back in one piece...but lots of  them don't, even when we get our money.

Hell, right now she's got me and a couple of other guys hiding out in this little abandoned house, after that girl from the "party" died because her parents didn't cough up any money for their kid.. We're gonna be getting in a little brat of our own, Carter's been saying, sooner rather than later. She's got her eye on a couple, and when she says the word "go" we're supposed to grab one of 'em...

man, if the police ever got hold of my notebook, they'd be all over our asses in a millisecond. Not like they don't know we're out there. I hear rumors that Jessica's thinking about getting a guy or three on the inside of the NYPD*, which is actually a pretty smart idea. Keeping them off our trail is getting to be a chore, with the way that bitch runs things.**

*Reminds me of a meeting I need to get to with one of our police friends! Wish I had someone to remind me of meetings more often...[Considering the timing of when she would have been writing these annotations, I have to wonder if this particular entry was what inspired her to hire me as a 'personal assistant'. I could be wrong, of course. Just speculation.]

**Such naughty language! Little Bradley's potty mouth must come from his father, I have no doubt...only I don't remember his father ever being around for him, the poor little thing.

Still, things are peaceful...for now. I thank God for the quiet. Sharing a place with a couple of guys, just me, this guy Gavin I used to smoke with, and a few's helping, I guess. I didn't think anything would or could, after hat stupid fucking "party."

*[Jessica has scribbled out the word 'peaceful' rather harshly here. In fact, the only reason I know the word 'peaceful' is what lies beneath the scratch-marks and the tear of her pen through the page is because she's written 'FUCK PEACEFUL' above it, along with 'TERRIBLE', 'no-good', 'miserable', 'exhausting' and 'decaying quite nicely'.]

There you have it. There's a story developing here, I think. In a lot of these journal entries, Bradley writes very candidly about the way Jessica operates. The writing's a lot more fiery and rebellious than those first couple of blog posts leading up to his death. It's a mess, though. There's so much material to sift through, I'm having a hard time putting the pieces together in a proper timeline. From what I can tell, though, a lot more went on in that house he and Gavin shared than just ransoming a kid...

As an aside, I'd like to point out that we do a lot less kidnapping as of now than Jessica did when she first took over the operation. That was when she was doing the work on her own. She did get those guys set up in the force that Bradley mentions hearing rumors about...later, she hired Andre, and he suggested we cut down on the kidnapping. Lots of rich people with little morals of their own means Jessica had a lot of people trying to put a price on her head. Hell, that's how she met Andre in the first place.

But I'm rambling, so I'll leave you to whatever it is you crazy, blogging people do every day. I've truly got no idea when I'll find the next piece of the puzzle, chronologically, so you may not see any more journals for a while. Ah well.

-Mr. Flint


  1. Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with her? That's not crazy. That's self control. You don't hurt everyone you see because you haven't the right. You're not the center of the world.

    1. I think she puts the energy she could be using to control herself into controlling every other poor fucker in her vicinity.

    2. Are you new here? Pretty sure you're not. You might get better answers asking "Why is the sky so blue?" than asking "What the fuck is wrong with her?" about Jessica. She's insane. Obviously.

    3. But we know why the sky is blue. Big woop. Far more interested in dissecting psychopaths.

    4. At first I thought you meant literally dissecting them. That makes me wonder if I am a psychopath. Probably not. Anyway if you want to know why she is a psychopath, we could just probe her childhood. Therein usually lies the answer.

    5. Shall we sing our way into her childhood on the parasol of progress?

    6. I wasn't aware there was any other way.
