Friday, August 9, 2013


My poor, aching heart! I really truly have been away for too long from my support network!

I see that there have been some of you wondering after me. I understand, truly, your concern, guys. Sweet dears that you are, you thought I'd gone for good and faded into the mists of insecurityobscurity. But OF COURSE, that's now what happened!

I was mourning MY DEAD SON you insensitive prrrrrrrrRRRRRicks!

How did he die you ask?

If you ask that you're a moron! It's all detailed right here in this post from just a few weeks ago. The poor dear, my poor dear son, he was tortured and killed by some horrible demon!


The only thing to console me in my time of trouble has been a diary little Bradley kept in his home, that I discovered after his death. There's quite a lot about the work we've been doing these last few years, he and I! My organization is superb, and I'd hate for all of my son's lovely eloquent writing on the sub ject to go unseen. In the weeks to come, maybe I'll share the most interesting bits with all of you! It would help soothe my bleeding heart, to have others know what a lovely, lovely boy my son was.

He was just the sweetest, I tell you. He was one of those you could just eat right up......


  1. Ew...

    You ate him. How disgusting.

  2. Well hi there, crazy lady!

    Uh, you could've not killed him.

  3. I don't think you get to mourn if you're the one that tortured him to death...

  4. What are you people TALKING ABOUT?! You're accusing me of killing and eating my own son?

  5. You know, in order to have children there's usually something you have to do first.

    So did you adopt him, or are you just being melodramatic?

    I am interested in seeing the journals, of course.

  6. You should be careful. I hear that monster did that to Bradly because he was giving out information about it to the internet.

    You may very well come home to find yourself waiting for you when you get home one night.

    Proceed with caution.
